Leadercast Gainesville
The Best Restoration will be sponsoring this year’s Leadercast seminar being simulcast live from Atlanta on Friday May 8. The theme for the event is The Brave Ones; and among this year’s speakers are Peyton Manning (the Superbowl-winning quarterback), Malala Youfazai (a Nobel Laureate), and CMDR Rorke Denver (Navy SEAL commander & author).
The Brave Ones theme for Leadercast 2015 is based on bravery not being a moniker that can be bought. Rather it is reserved for those whose innovation in their industry cause them to stand out from the crowd, whose unyielding effort and error push their organizations into new territories, and whose boldness compels them to stand up for those less fortunate.
These are The Brave Ones. The event is taking place at Westside Baptist Church on Newberry road, beginning at 8:30 a.m. For ticketing information please see www.leadercastgainesville.com.